Online Dating – Chat Acronyms that You Will Need

Chat acronyms are the ‘in’ thing today. To be unaware of them is shocking. Chat acronyms are a fun way of online chatting. These instant messages will reflect on your Internet savvy attitude. Online dating chat rooms thrive on these acronyms. These acronyms resemble the acronyms used by people while chatting in general.

Common acronyms

Some acronyms are a must in online dating chat  rooms. These acronyms save the user not only time but are an effective and fun way of conveying thoughts and feelings to the other person.

Why use them?

People tend to use chat acronyms for fun. These acronyms are also a way of showing your Internet acumen to a potential date. They also reflect your adeptness at being modern and in sync with societal pace and lifestyle. Chat acronyms have also found their way into physical workplace conversations and even the boardroom. People find it easier to talk in acronyms rather than spelling out the entire text of their communication.

The psychological perspective

Popularity of these online dating chat acronyms thrive our inherent lazy nature. People are always on the lookout for a short cut to achieve their goals. At the same time they want to conserve their energy and time to indulge in other activities. In other words,Online Dating - Chat Acronyms that You Will Need Articles people today have too many activities and too less time. The result is the development and popularity of the acronym.

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